September 24, 2020 Club Meeting

After months of absence due to Covid-19, we were pleased to begin our 2020-2021 season.  We missed the food and finery of the Alta Club, but were glad to see and visit each other virtually, from our own homes using Zoom.  Our featured speaker was Dr. Devon Hale from the U. of U. Medical College, a recognized infectious disease expert.  He helped us understand some of the intricacies of our current pandemic, and provided some valuable insight to help us minimize the risk to us and our families and our society in the coming days.  Thanks to all of you who “attended” and to Dr. Hale for taking the time to prepare and present that very helpful message to us.

Our next club “meeting” will be on October 29, 2020, one week later than the 4th Thursday, to allow for the US Presidential Debate on Oct. 22nd to be heard by us all.  At that meeting our speakers will be Frank Pignanelli and Lavar Webb on the upcoming election and all things political.  We expect this will also be a Zoom meeting, and will pass along the details for that event as the time approaches.

Stay safe!