Today’s Club

Our Club has been meeting constantly since our Founders started it in 1913.   You can read more about the club’s history here.  We would encourage each of you to feel free to invite a guest to come to a meeting with you at no charge for the first time–bring a friend, a neighbor, a business associate, or a relative (son, brother, cousin, etc.).  These invitations have been crucial to the maintenance of the Club since its inception over 110 years ago.

Our meetings this year will generally be on the 4th Thursday of each month, with exceptions when needed to accommodate holidays or the schedule constraints of our guest speakers.  As usual there will be no meeting in December.

Some of our members might have difficulty driving at night, so it would be a great idea for members with good night eyes to offer a ride to those who need it.

Your Club Officers for 2023-2024:

President Tom Cannon
First Vice President Ford (Bud) Scalley
Second Vice President Royal Hansen
Immediate Past President Michael Stevens
Historian Brent Scharman
Member Recruitment Chair Bruce Woodruff
Site Liaison Darris Howe
Speaker Procurement Committee Randy Jensen
Treasurer Wayne Middleton
Secretary Roger Bodily
Website Developer Tom Rohlfing
Club Legal Advisor Chris Nelson
Badge Identification Chair Cap Persch
Speaker Recruitment Tony Middleton