Next Meeting: October 25, 2018

Our next meeting will feature the usual wonderful dinner by the Alta Club–please put the date on your calendars. We are delighted to then hear from a superb speaker with an important message for us all — Dr. Richard Gurgel, who is in the ENT Division of the University of Utah medical school. He has done some amazing research on the link between hearing and mind impairment; for many, increasing deafness can lead to increasing forgetfulness, almost like dementia. He compellingly shows the evidence that worsening hearing loss can lead to increasing memory and thinking problems. The pertinence to our members of his talk can’t be overemphasized, as some of us are noting hearing issues (hard to imagine as it might be), and all of us have family or friends who are. Come prepared to learn from Richard what then we should do about it.
Our meeting at the Alta Club will start with a dinner promptly at 6, followed by Richard’s presentation at 7. As usual, we will aim to finish by 8. If you have not already done so, please RSVP to Tony Middleton via email so we might have a head count for the Alta Club. As always, please look to bring a guest who might have an interest in the Timpanogos Club, either a friend, a sibling or someone else—we are always looking for a few more good men!