Our November meeting is on the 3rd Thursday instead of the 4th, to avoid a conflict with Thanksgiving. Our speaker will be our own Club member, Harvard trained cardiologist Dr. Jeff Anderson, who will explain and demonstrate some of the amazing treatments cardiologists have developed to treat the life-threatening heart problems we can acquire. A short list of heart conditions we might all develop which can kill or maim us includes:
• Aortic Aneurysm
• Arrhythmia
• Atrial Fibrillation
• Cardiac Arrest
• Cardiac Rehab
• Cardiomyopathy
• Cholesterol -related cardiac disease
• Congenital Heart Defects
• Diabetes
• Heart Attack
• Heart Failure
• Heart Murmurs
• Heart Valve Problems & Disease
• High Blood Pressure
• Infective Endocarditis
• Kawasaki Disease
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Pericarditis
• Peripheral Artery Disease
If struck by any of these, Jeff may be the one to save us, and his talk will tell us how he does it! The dinner will be at 6 p.m. at the Alta Club, as usual (unusually scrumptious with their current chefs), followed by Jeff’s talk. Please remember to invite and bring along potential Timp members, friends, associates, sons, grandsons, etc.–please let us know for the head count.
Also, if you don’t have a photo on this website, or if you would like a different one to be used, just send it by email to Tom Rohlfing at trohlfing2780@gmail.com.