Our February speaker is Mark Harlan, University of Utah Athletic Director. A conflict has arisen necessitating a change in our meeting. The PAC 12 Conference has scheduled a Utah – UCLA basketball game in Salt Lake City on our normal fourth Thursday date. We have therefore rescheduled our meeting for
Wednesday evening, February 24 at 7:00 PM. Mark will give us an overview of University athletics
during COVID and how well the U of U is doing (the ski team, for example, is highly regarded). Scott Kull, Deputy Athletic Director will give us an update on the new Ken Garff Performance Center scheduled to be ready for the start of football season this Fall. Please remember that this involves the reconstruction of the south end of Rice-Eccles Stadium.
Please join us (virtually, on Zoom) on Wednesday evening, February 24th at 7:00 PM for this informative and interesting meeting.