Coming Timpanogos Club Events

We look forward to the new year and enjoying our club activities together.  Please put these exciting club events on your calendar for the next few months.  More details will be provided as the dates approach.
January 23, 2020 –Our Past President, Randy Jensen and his wife Liz will speak about their recent adventure in climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, replete with photos and amazing stories.
February 27, 2020 — Morgan Scalley, our U. of U. football Defensive Coordinator, will focus on the Utes’ magnificent season and will explain how it happened.  His father, Bud, is a member of the Timp Club, and is himself a former running back for the U of U.  It should be fabulous!
March 26, 2020 — Dr. Bruce Woolley will speak about “vaping.”  He will tell us why we should we each avoid it, and what should we tell our family members about it to explain what it does to our bodies and the dangers involved, including permanent lung damage and/or death!
April 23, 2020 — Sam Clark, our Second Vice President, will speak on his experience as a mission president.  We are excited to have Sam share his mission experiences and lessons learned applicable to each of us!