March 25, 2021 Club Meeting

Please put on your calendar our upcoming Timp Club meeting.  We will meet virtually, using Zoom, one week from today, March 25, at 7:00 PM.  Our speaker will be our own Sam Clark discussing “Missionary Work in the Latter Days – Let God Prevail.”  It will be most interesting to have Sam’s insights into missionary work and missionaries with all that has happened in this area in the past several years.

February 24, 2021 Club Meeting

Our February speaker is Mark Harlan, University of Utah Athletic Director.  A conflict has arisen necessitating a change in our meeting.  The PAC 12 Conference has scheduled a Utah – UCLA basketball game in Salt Lake City on our normal fourth Thursday date.  We have therefore rescheduled our meeting for Wednesday evening, February 24 at 7:00 PM.  Mark will give us an overview of University athletics during COVID and how well the U of U is doing (the ski team, for example, is highly regarded).  Scott Kull, Deputy Athletic Director will give us an update on the new Ken Garff Performance Center scheduled to be ready for the start of football season this Fall.  Please remember that this involves the reconstruction of the south end of Rice-Eccles Stadium.
Please join us (virtually, on Zoom) on Wednesday evening, February 24th at 7:00 PM for this informative and interesting meeting.

January 28, 2021 Club Meeting

We are pleased to have Steve Brosvik as our speaker for January’s Club meeting. Steve was named as the new President and CEO of the Utah Symphony and Utah Opera in 2020. He has been the Chief Operating Officer of the Nashville Symphony since April 2015. In this role, he has overseen the orchestra, artistic, concert operations and production, education and community engagement, fundraising, marketing and communications teams. We are eager to hear from Steve the status of our great Utah arts organizations — the Utah Symphony and Utah Opera. Word has it that he might bring along a couple of musicians for our listening pleasure.  Please join us on Zoom for this wonderful evening!

November 19, 2020 Club Meeting

Our speaker at this month’s meeting will be Mark Rasmussen on the subject of understanding and using Bitcoinwill it replace the dollar anytime soon Mark is an attorney practicing in Dallas, whose firm has been involved in uncovering illegal cyber-currency schemes.  He can explain bitcoin and other cyber-currencies, so that we can learn whether it is for us.

Future Meetings

January 28, 2021Steve Brosvik, the new CEO of the Utah Symphony/Opera.  What is the status of these great Utah arts organizations?  Word has it that he might bring along a couple of musicians for our listening pleasure.

February 25, 2021Mark Harlan, Univ. Of Utah Athletic Director (tentative).  Whence USA athletics, U. of U. Athletics, football, basketball and the other sports, and the U. of U. football stadium renovation?

March 25, 2021Sam Clark, our First VP and recently returned mission president, will speak on his mission experience.  “can’t miss” evening! 

April 22, 2021Mark Pope, BYU Basketball Coach On the season, and where next?

May 27, 2021Spring Evening with dinner at the Alta Club with our  Long-Suffering Spouses Entertainment by Peter Brienholt.

October 29, 2020 Club Meeting

Our Next Club Meeting, October 29, 2020

We will meet one week later than the usual 4th Thursday to allow for the US Presidential Debate on Oct. 22nd to be heard by us all.  We are so pleased to be able to hear from Frank Pignanelli and Lavar Webb on the upcoming election and all things political.  Our own Dale Zabriskie has set this up, and it should be most timely!!

Future Planned Club Meetings

November 19, 2020Mark Rasmussen on understanding and using Bitcoinwill it replace the dollar anytime soon Mark is an attorney practicing in Dallas, whose firm has been involved in uncovering illegal cybercurrency schemes.  He can explain bitcoin and other cybercurrencies, that we can learn whether it is for us.

January 28, 2021Steve Brosvik, the new CEO of the Utah Symphony/Opera (confirmed).  What is the status of these great Utah arts organizations.  Word has it that he might bring along a couple of musicians for our listening pleasure.

February 25, 2021Mark Harlan, Univ. Of Utah Athletic Director. (tentative)– whence USA athletics, U. of U. Athletics, football, basketball and the other sports, and the U. of U. football stadium renovation?

March 25, 2021Sam Clark, our First VP and recently returned mission president, will speak on his mission experience.  “can’t miss” evening! 

April 22, 2021Mark Pope, BYU Basketball Coach On the season, and where next?

May 27, 2021Spring Evening with dinner at the Alta Club with our  Long-Suffering Spouses Entertainment by Peter Brienholt 

Wallie Rasmussen will let us know how and when to join in via Zoom this Oct. 29th, a Thursday.  We hope you are all able to join with us for this program (being a far ranging political discussion we think we all will welcome insights into this wild, tumultuous political year.)

September 24, 2020 Club Meeting

After months of absence due to Covid-19, we were pleased to begin our 2020-2021 season.  We missed the food and finery of the Alta Club, but were glad to see and visit each other virtually, from our own homes using Zoom.  Our featured speaker was Dr. Devon Hale from the U. of U. Medical College, a recognized infectious disease expert.  He helped us understand some of the intricacies of our current pandemic, and provided some valuable insight to help us minimize the risk to us and our families and our society in the coming days.  Thanks to all of you who “attended” and to Dr. Hale for taking the time to prepare and present that very helpful message to us.

Our next club “meeting” will be on October 29, 2020, one week later than the 4th Thursday, to allow for the US Presidential Debate on Oct. 22nd to be heard by us all.  At that meeting our speakers will be Frank Pignanelli and Lavar Webb on the upcoming election and all things political.  We expect this will also be a Zoom meeting, and will pass along the details for that event as the time approaches.

Stay safe!

February 27, 2020 Club Meeting

Our February Timpanogos Club meeting promises to be one of our best ever, as Morgan Scalley, the University of Utah Defensive Coordinator, will be speaking about the U of U football team.  As you know, this past year has been one of their best years ever, and Morgan will speak about how it happened.  He will also describe the recruits just signed, judged to be the best class of recruits ever signed by the U football team, and Morgan played a huge role in that success.  He also will educate us on what goes into a stellar defense–when and why do you deploy the defensive backs in a zone or a man-to-man, what goes on with the linemen stunting, when and why do the coaches use a blitz, etc.  Morgan is the son of our own Club member, Bud Scalley, who was a running back at the U of U back in the day, who undoubtedly taught Morgan much of what he knows.

Our February meeting will be at the Alta Club at the usual 6 p.m. dinner first, then Morgan’s talk at 7.  As a reminder, parking for the Alta Club is at their new lot on South Temple about one half block east.  Please feel free to invite friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc. who might have an interest in joining Timpanogos Club, and please let us know how many you are bringing for a head count for the dinner.

Many thanks to our past president, Randy Jensen and his wife Liz, who spoke last month about their adventures in climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in  Africa, with photos and amazing stories.  Some of you have mentioned that your age, lumbago, etc. might prevent you from climbing Kilimanjaro yourself, and just hearing about Randy and Liz’s adventures will have to suffice.

Future Club Meetings

The March meeting date has moved one week from its usual fourth Thursday due to scheduling changes, and will be on March 19th instead.  Please make this change on your calendars, as the address noted below by Dr. Bruce Woolley will be incredibly important, educational and entertaining.

March 19, 2020-Dr. Bruce Woolley will speak about “vaping”   Why should we each avoid it, and what should we  tell our  family members about it to explain what it does to our bodies and the  dangers involved, including permanent lung damage and/or death!  Bruce will also give updated information about coronavirus–how to avoid it, what to do if we catch it, etc.

April 23, 2020–Sam Clark, our  Second Vice President, will speak on his experience as a Mission President.  We are excited to have Sam share his mission experiences and lessons learned applicable to each of us!

May 28, 2020Peter Breinholt performing!!  This is our end of season meeting with spouses or significant others, and Peter’s agreement to come is huge.  Peter, as you know, is a world-famous singer who accompanies himself on the guitar.  His music will appeal to all, with “oldies but goodies” mixed with the contemporary, and many of his popular songs were written by him!

January 23, 2020 Club Meeting

Our January meeting is on Thursday, January 23rd.   We will be delighted to hear from Randy Jensen, our Past President, and his wife Liz about their African adventure about 4 months ago in traveling to Africa and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro!  What an adventure!!!  We are anxious to learn whether they planted a Timpanogos Club flag at the top of the mountain.
Our dinner will start at 6 at the Alta Club, with Randy and Liz speaking at 7.  As a reminder, the Alta Club parking lot is about one half block east on the same side of the road as the Alta Club.   We look forward to seeing everyone for this great evening.

Coming Timpanogos Club Events

We look forward to the new year and enjoying our club activities together.  Please put these exciting club events on your calendar for the next few months.  More details will be provided as the dates approach.
January 23, 2020 –Our Past President, Randy Jensen and his wife Liz will speak about their recent adventure in climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, replete with photos and amazing stories.
February 27, 2020 — Morgan Scalley, our U. of U. football Defensive Coordinator, will focus on the Utes’ magnificent season and will explain how it happened.  His father, Bud, is a member of the Timp Club, and is himself a former running back for the U of U.  It should be fabulous!
March 26, 2020 — Dr. Bruce Woolley will speak about “vaping.”  He will tell us why we should we each avoid it, and what should we tell our family members about it to explain what it does to our bodies and the dangers involved, including permanent lung damage and/or death!
April 23, 2020 — Sam Clark, our Second Vice President, will speak on his experience as a mission president.  We are excited to have Sam share his mission experiences and lessons learned applicable to each of us!

November 21, 2019 Club Meeting

Our November meeting is on the 3rd Thursday instead of the 4th, to avoid a conflict with Thanksgiving.  Our speaker will be our own Club member, Harvard trained cardiologist Dr. Jeff Anderson, who will explain and demonstrate some of the amazing treatments cardiologists have developed to treat the life-threatening heart problems we can acquire.  A short list of heart conditions we might all develop which can kill  or maim us includes:

• Aortic Aneurysm
• Arrhythmia
• Atrial Fibrillation
• Cardiac Arrest
• Cardiac Rehab
• Cardiomyopathy
• Cholesterol -related cardiac disease
• Congenital Heart Defects
• Diabetes
• Heart Attack
• Heart Failure
• Heart Murmurs
• Heart Valve Problems & Disease
• High Blood Pressure
• Infective Endocarditis
• Kawasaki Disease
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Pericarditis
• Peripheral Artery Disease

If struck by any of these, Jeff may be the one to save us, and his talk will tell us how he does it!  The dinner will be at 6 p.m. at the Alta Club, as usual (unusually scrumptious with their current chefs), followed by Jeff’s talk.  Please remember to invite and bring along potential Timp members, friends, associates, sons, grandsons, etc.–please let us know for the head count.

Also, if you don’t have a photo on this website, or if you would like a different one to be used, just send it by email to Tom Rohlfing at