Our Summer hiatus is coming to an end, and we are excited to resume our monthly Timpanogos Club meetings. We hope all of you had a great Summer! We are thrilled with the upcoming speaker selections. This month is especially interesting, as Dennis Lindsey, the General Manager of the Utah Jazz, is our guest speaker on Thursday, September 28th. I share with you part of the e-mail response his Executive Assistant, Keely Spencer, sent us :
“He has tentatively planned for a ‘State of the Team’ topic, which will include or touch on the points you mentioned in your email; Jazz management philosophy, players, goals for the year, etc. After that has concluded, he’s planning on opening up the floor for Q & A.”
Our incoming President is Bruce Woodruff, who will be an exciting, dynamic and visionary leader. Our format will be much the same as prior years, with dinner at the Alta Club at 6 pm (typically a delicious meal featuring hot chocolate) followed by our speaker at 7. Generally we adjourn by 8. Parking is free at the Alta Club lot on South Temple, north of South Temple and about 1/2 block east of the Alta Club.
Some of our members might have difficulty driving at night, so it would be a great idea for members with good night eyes to offer a ride to those who need it.
Our meetings this year will continue to be on the 4th Thursday of each month, with the exceptions of November 16th, the 3rd Thursday to accommodate Thanksgiving, and as usual there will be no meeting in December.
Our Club has been meeting constantly since our Founders started it in 1913. You can Google up “Timpanogos Club history” to find a brief history of the Timpanogos Club. We would encourage each of you to feel free to invite a guest to come to a meeting with you at no charge for the first time–bring a friend, a neighbor, a business associate, or a relative (son, brother, cousin, etc.). These invitations have been crucial to the maintenance of the Club since its inception over 100 years ago.
Your Club Officers for 2017-18:
President Bruce Woodruff
First Vice President Randy Jensen
Second Vice President Dave Gillette
Treasurer Wayne Middleton
Historian Brent Scharman
Member Development Glenn Waterman
Speaker Invitations Tony Middleton
Future meeting dates are: Oct. 26, 2017
Nov. 16, 2017
Jan. 25, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
April 26, 2018
May 24, 2018
You may want to add these dates to your calendars for future planning. Speakers committed for the year include our own Dr. Michael Stevens, on the cause of Beethoven’s deafness; Lavar Webb and Frank Pignanelli, long time political reporters, on the state of our national and local politics; our own Brent Scharman and his wife Jan on understanding the Millennial generation; and Dr. Mark Supiano, Chairman of the Geriatrics Division at the U., on how to optimize life as a senior citizen. It promises to be a fabulous year!